Autemo trololol with Aston Martin

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Hey guys

Just a heads up that things around Autemo will be changing a lot in the very near future. Due to a recent feature on Autoblog, one of the Marketing Directors of Aston Martin got in touch with us under an anonymous client username, and asked for a demonstration of our talents.

We produced the work, and they were extremely happy with the results. They then went on to tell us that they are on the Aston Martin team, and are on the look out for a new in house design team, and are leaving it up to us to select 5 lucky members to join them. If you're interested in this fantastic opportunity, then reply to this thread stating your interest, and we'll get back to you in private to let you know what's happening.

The new Aston Martin design team will play a leading role in the future cars rolling off the Aston Martin production line, so make sure you only reply if this is something you're serious about.

Post edited April 02, 2011 at 06:34:38 AM by jackdarton
I am very interested by doing this job, I've always been fascinated by Aston Martin cars. As a Graphic Designer, I know I can do it. The only thing I'm worrying right now, is when it's gonna start because I can only start working in may-june.

This is a massive, DAMN!!!!
Gonna put everything on hold and hope I ca get a part
Come join us on Facebook and Tumblr
lol, april 1 joke right?
This is an opportunity that just can't be passed up! Please let me know how I can learn more.

EDIT: This does seem very April Fool's-esque!
Post edited April 01, 2011 at 03:45:18 PM by Cloud
Visit us at, on Instagram at Gurnade_Design, or at
flashing_arrow_rightysix.gif It's my turn! Pick me! blinking-arrowgq51.gif

Even if I'm only intermediate, I'm interested :)
me too, pick me in :D
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