Welcome to our newest staff member!

Well I figured here's a guy who deserved his own introductory thread!

It's a privilege and a pleasure to announce J_HUI (Joseph) as our newest admin to come onboard the team. If you've been around here any bit longer than a week, then undoubtedly you've already heard of J_HUI. He's a valued contributing member of Autemo, and has been for quite some time. I have no idea of what we're gonna put him in charge of yet, but I'd say we'll probably have a lot of duties opening up for him to do..! In the meantime, until we get that sorted on our end, please give a warm welcome and round of applause!!


Congrats to J_HUI! :D
congrats J_HUI ;)
Welcome to Wigs-Lace. Offering wigs, hair extensions, falls :awesome:


ToMiii @Facebook
congrats j_hui :P
:-d :-d
Cheers for the warm welcome guys, I'll try to keep this place user friendly and be as helpful in the community as possible.

How will I be helpful? who knows, I'll help being lazy and unproductive xD

Also no PM's for promotion, I'll just delete them :P


Post edited March 05, 2011 at 12:45:16 AM by J_HUI
Come join us on Facebook and Tumblr
J_HUI wrote:
How will I be helpful?

Bring us cool chicks! :D
Congrats J_HUI! :-d
Congrats to J_HUI! :-d
Its nice to have you on the dark side HUI. :D
Congratz)) Hm...what it in future o.O :P :P
J_HUI wrote:
Also no PM's for promotion, I'll just delete them :P
Oh, that is a good idea xD
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