Autemo on Twitter!

Hi Guys

For those of you who seldom venture to the bottom of the forum, there's a link to Autemo on Twitter. You can sign up and follow us, receiving the latest events and news revolving around this already epic (and rapidly expanding) site. The feed will be updated mainly by mark, but sometimes me, Nicklas, Glacius or Ironchop will post some new stuff there too.

Stay tuned, and sign up to our page to be the first people to find out what's new on the global chopping scene.

Its going to really help ppl to be in tune with whats going on at Autemo and the whole global chopping industry in general. Plus it helps to get the word out and helps to promote Autemo. So its really invaluable for both you and us.

Not only do we post up news, but we also tweet about the good chops that come by our way too, so its kinda like a reward for those who put effort into their chops and post up on the forums. So I do encourage everyone to become a member and follow us!

Basically if you want to be the first to find out whats going on, then follow us at Twitter!
I know the link to twitter is at the bottom of the page footer and everything, but it's usual to post a link in the thread when you're talking about something, so here goes :).

Autemo's Twitter Page:
Why dont you make a facebook group for the ones not using twitter? =/
The ones not using twitter can still use the RSS-feed on twitter. That's what I do.
I like the idea of the facebook group, we might just do that! The more we can connect with our users the better
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