Looking good Nissan, the colour change has been done well and the BG fits nice.

A few problems though:
- Your wheels are tiny. You have lowered the car by making the wheel so small but it looks out of place
- Your new seat is a bit high, I think it needs to sit lower so the top of it is about the same place as the original seat.

A minor point too, which isn't your fault, in white it stands out that the front bumper is a different colour to the rest of the car. It is the same on the original too but would look good if you could fix that.
well i i will make a few changes change the seat, but i have no more wheels to put on , those are from one gtr 2000 :-d :-d
1 person liked this.
Good start Nissan,
I agree with Greboth

Keep it up :-d
thanks Great Zilla :-d :-d
yo dude can you send me the donour for the bonnet sticking up vents please
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