music on profiles

just got the thought of maybe having a music track on your profile
maybe a file size limit and that, just to pimp your profile abit more :P
Haha would be sick...Id give it some nice reversed bass intro;)
i actually.... love this idea xD

being able to have your own playlist... like you said though, the filesize might get a bit much. hmm.
Sounds like a good idea.

Maybe a small 5 track playlist no longer than 20mins or a certain size. Would be a good idea and would let people get to know that persons taste in music abit better.
Ppl dont check your profile for 20mins :p
Imo just 1 minute is enough hehe.
yh i was thinking that aswell
absolutely love this idea :-d
merccopy.png ,
Perfect) But if you have opened more than two profiles... It'll make our audio systems collapsed)

So play\pause maybe will be a good adding)
UnL1M wrote:
Perfect) But if you have opened more than two profiles... It'll make our audio systems collapsed)

then only have one opened, problem solved
lol touché

why would you have 2 open at the same time?
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