In general the smudge line reflections will look good anywhere... but they tend to look best where the car would be reflecting the sky... so for those parts that you circled on Active design's chops they're sky reflections.
Sometimes using the smudge tool for all the reflections makes the paint look a bit blurry and fake, so mix it up a bit. Try some sharper reflections by selecting an area and then filling it with a darker or lighter colour and then play around with the opacity and blending styles to get something that looks realistic.
One more tip is to make the reflections follow the lines of the car. If there is a bulge in the bodywork you need to make it look like there is one and the way to do this is with the reflections. Good Luck
puszka321 wrote:
please video
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims