Important Info - for participants in Autemo Championship Round 8

Hi all,

This is an important message concerning those who have entered (or are contemplating entering) in the Toyota Corolla AE86 competition.

We've had 11 people enter so far - which is great of course. However Autemo had a problem go on the server recently and as a result 5 of the entries didn't get saved into the database - I'm investigating into it currently to see what went wrong. What this does mean however is that those 5 entries need to be entered again.

So I ask for anybody who has entered to try again - to abide by the privacy of the competition (and not release the names who have been competing) I have pm'd the users who's entries went in fine. If you don't get a pm from me you must re-enter the comp.

At the time of posting this, Autemo has 5,369 donorcentral images, and 14,135 user chops uploaded. So out of almost 20,000 user uploads this is the very first time we've lost chops like this. However I still do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.


sounds like the same problem we had on the skyline comp ??
there where a few mising as well (mine also)
mine was missing too in the skyline comp, so I think it is not the first time :(
Sorry guys, I'm looking into it. It could be anything from changed server settings or a bug in my code. I hope to have this resolved soon.
I have puted this car more then one week ago could you put it back in the 8 round?
if you can't no

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Hi francescof91, I've put your entry in there now
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