The adventures of a run-away washing-machine

My place in Brisbane may have survived the Brisbane floods... But...

We were no match for the attack of the neighbors washing-machine.

We have a 2 storey apartment, with two bedrooms upstairs (1 = computer room, and 1 = bedroom), and we've got a spare bedroom + garage downstairs). The neighbors have a 2 bedroom unit upstairs, but only garage downstairs...

Their washing machine is opposite the purple wall in the image below...

Long story short, here's what happened...

<<insert the theme music of your favourite crime drama>>

1. in the evening going downstairs to do something, suddenly noticed a few spots on the floor... earlier had noticed the hot water pressure was a bit low...
2. thought crap, there's a water leak somewhere... after a bit of looking around heard a washing machine sound from next door...
3. basically the exit tube of their washing-machine somehow fell out of the sink and started letting water out on the floor in their garage, and as there's a slight slope to the floor it comes through to us... yaaay...
4. the machine is old, and huge... and unlike more modern ones it looks like it basically kept trying to fill itself up rather than hold the water inside until it was finished... thus for maybe 1-1.5 hours it was spewing out water

5.There was about 2 centimeters of water in their garage which they mopped up with towels... What you see below is what came through to us. PS: there's a sponge about 1 cm thick under the carpet on top of the concrete, which was basically fully wet!

6. Now we've got a few huge hair-dryer looking things down there blowing air over and under the carpet, and it's pretty dry... That quite noisy, and not cheap either...

Oh well, such is the adventures of a run-away washing-machine :D

Water damage sucks, Thunderbear, hopefully it'll dry without any damage to any wooden structures.

Also, I thought the washing machine had come through your wall or something :P
Hehe, yeh, was thinking whether to photo-shop that onto the image, lol...

It's dried up not too badly - still got those huge dryers there until Monday..

The wooden skirting boards above the carpets had been laid quite well - i.e. attached to the wall with a bit of a cap to the concrete, so that's some good news. Moisture attracts termites as well, so definitely wanted to get the pros in and dry it all up ASAP :).
Yar. Got ants everywhere in my apartment, no fun.
Still, it's Scary how my washing machine broke tonight as well.

Water was bursting everywhere in the laundry room, lucky it's outside and not carpet

Unlucky dude.
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Wtf, you do your laundry outside?! :omg:
DevilsTower wrote:
Wtf, you do your laundry outside?! :omg:
It's Australia, we do EVERYTHING outside!
Sarge wrote:
DevilsTower wrote:
Wtf, you do your laundry outside?! :omg:
It's Australia, we do EVERYTHING outside!
It's true.

Barbecue-in' shrimps, drinking beer, laundry, playing with knifes. you name it.

Whats so strange about an outside laundry room, it's a room... but outside and has washing machines etc.
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It's strange because it's wrong :P
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