WTB Autocount Developed

Not sure where to put this thread... but yeh, I've created a fairly simple spreadsheet that will automatically total all votes, calculate the averages, multiply these averages by the number of times no vote has been entered and add it to the total.

In other words, all YOU have to do is enter in the value of the votes.
I've posted it up here to allow you to test for errors, give feedback and to allow you to keep a personal track of what is going on in the wtb. Hopefully it could help with the counting too :) Enjoy.

Excel 1997 - 2003 version:

Excel 2007 onwards:

Enjoy :D And please provide feedback.

Please Note:
You can switch divisions across the bottom. Insert a "." for a blank vote.
Post edited May 08, 2011 at 09:16:22 PM by ATC Design
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Nice work :)

Andy for admin! :D
Haha already did one for rounds 1 and 2 :P
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
i dont have excel :(
Zero wrote:
i dont have excel :(


You could allways download Open Office.
na i dont need, got a disc for microsoft office but i dont use it, saving space on pc
i use it quite a lot in college thats it but not at home
Sea mamal.
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