Anyone interested in a different kind of competition?

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After making a new livery for my 3d Mercedes I started thinking that it might be an interesting comp idea for Autemo.

Basically I would post the UV map (the car's body panels laid out flat as lines) here and basing it on the UV map, you would then paint your livery. Finished paintings would then be sent back to me. I would then use them to render a front and a rear view of the car with your liveries on it. After that I post the renders here for people to vote.

Would you be interested in participating in a friendly battle of "skin-the-W201"? There's some work needing to be done to make the UV maps as simple as possible for you guys but I'm willing to do that if enough people are interested in this.
I'm interested :D You can also give us front and rear angle pic for giving you a better idea of the result, anyway the map is already ok :)
I think that's an excellent idea.

With Autemo being a design firm/ forum. It would be rather cool to have a Liverly design competition for a change and see how creative people are in terms of skin/ design / liverly designing.

*Waits to see if Mark approves of the idea*
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livery design comp sounds great :-d
ilPoli wrote:
I'm interested :D You can also give us front and rear angle pic for giving you a better idea of the result, anyway the map is already ok :)

Yes of course I would post a reference picture of the model to see the angles for the final renders and how the UV map lies exactly on the car.
Wonderful idea.

Just do it!
Sounds good to me.. It'll be different type of comp for a change. Send me the .jpg's including banner and text for the comp and i'll set it up.
Sounds like a good and different comp idea, looking forward to see the entries :)
Okie. I'll modify the UV's and make the renders tomorrow and send them to Mark.
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