KillerChop Blog

Hi guys!

I want to clarify a lot of things about the blog "KillerChop", as I'm the only owner, admin, coder and designer of the website.

This is not the first website I create for the virtual tuning community, and I been also administrating forums since 2006, i'm not an expert but I know and understand most of this things. Just for you to know that I'm not experimenting new things with this blog and i'm seriously working on it.

Starting a new website is quite hard, so I needed people to help me with the entries. But I specially told them not to steal or spam. Those are the 2 worst thing you can do on the internet. I wanted to specially clarify that part.

We had a problem today with one 'stolen' entry. iCandi isn't a bad guy, but he is having really bad times with some personal things most of you know, and I'm sure that's why he made all this mistake. So please forgive us, the entry was now deleted.

Hope you understand. KC isn't stealing from other websites, we are just doing all this for fun and to keep on growing the virtual tuning community.

The idea is not re-posting everything happening in Autemo, as more than 1 said on another thread. Last week I personally spent a lot of time writing and doing the article "Chopping for real projects", something never shown before on any site, with interviews to 3 different choppers, and posted on 2 quite long parts. And we keep on working on articles like that.

I also ask for permissions every time we post a chop. We even talked with a lot of sites and people you can find on the parter's list. Between, we are going to solve all this permissions problems in some weeks showing only what you send us, so you wont have to worry any more about this.

I'm really sorry for all this misunderstanding.

I realise this is something new for most of you, i can't remember any other site doing something similar, just, the site where I got inspired to do all this. So please, if you dont like the website just avoid commenting, we don't want to generate more conflicts here. If you like the website, we will be happy if you just read what we post, we are not looking for anything else ;)!

Post edited March 17, 2011 at 03:40:30 PM by REC
alright cool :D
as we lost the 1st topic maybe put link in here :-d
Thanks for your support Zero! :-d

Yes, I will edit and add the url. But I wont post nothing else here, I don't want to make this a spam thread or something similar. Just to clarify the previous problem and let the other users know about the blog.

Thanks also to Autemo for the big support. I really appreciate the help you are giving us! :D
All good bud, I'm sure the members are glad of you for having cleared this up. As long as you're honost and open when issues such as this arise, and quick to amend them, then all is ok.

Autemo is there to support your new endeavour. We'd be bad rolemodels and site if we didn't want to help out as much as we can. We want to see this cool artform grow as big as it can be for everybody. And on a personal note, I for one, loved monstermonster back in the day. I'd love to see your take on bringing a similar concept back to life. I know you got a good set of web developer skills that can make it happen.
I will stay out of the way for a while. Both at Killerchop and Autemo.
Thanks for all the support regarding my father Federico!
Good stuff REC and others who have contributed!

*Registered and bookmarked*
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