LoL story 'bout my Notebook.. :D

Damn, I play NFS Undercover yesterday and got my laptop hang/not-responding.. after my time has been wasted I tried to repair it myself..

here's I check out the backside cover, checking whenever my HDD or Memories need to be replaced, but I test it and it works fine, but what the heck was going on with my lappy..??


Then I disarm (lol) all the things like all clip and nut, also the keyboard


and then,, I pull it out and disarm anything including the monitors.. aww.. sorry my 4732z.. :P


and get the board xD\


after that, I try to gently put off the Heatsink, and got my thermal paste being dried.. should be renew it.. :)



but HEY, looks on the processor, is thaat melted because overheated..? Is that cause why my laptop unstable.?? :omg: :omg:


ah, luckily this not really my laptop, it just borrowed things from my workplace.. :P so I dont care even it broken or any, I just say "I should get the new one, sir" lol.. xD

after I renew the thermal paste, then I go reassemble it to the first state, also after cleaning up the heatsink from dirty shitty dust, then it looks normal again.. thanks god, at least I willn't be fired now.. xD xD

Disassembling your laptop. Freakin' Pro!
hahaha.. because it will makes you feel weird when you have a normal devices, sometimes it working abnormal.. so I'm so curious and check it by myself.. :P
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