what's the different?

Look so silly I think here, but what the different between:

Tablet PC


and Wacom Bamboo


I think there a same usabilities, so what the different from both of them..? And what the best should I choose for..?

sorry if my english bad :D
The PC is a PC and the Wacom is just a input device?
what walla said
a wacom is purely for drawing / brushing and can be used as a mouse
but the pc is just a pc with toutchscreen

tehre are very expensive drawing screens but that not what you showed

so if you want a pc buy the first one (or just a good loose pc)

if you want to draw and brush in ps buy the tablet :P
Also the pc won't have pressure sensitivity and special things like that wacom tablet would have.
And, one of the best touch screen pc around is iPad. And they're alot more expensive compared to drawing tablets if you just want the touch screen function.
At my school we're required to get that exact Toshiba tablet PC. Trust me, they aren't great and really are a just a waste of money in comparison to getting a tablet. They do have some pressure sensitivity but it's very poor, and no where near as good as my wacom intuos.

Don't waste your money. You could probably buy a cintiq for the same price ;)
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
wow i was actually seeing it yesterday, thinking i should buy a tablet just for chopping, altoug tablet pcs, only have 256 pressure levels i think, and a bamboo pen, has 1024
if i had 1600€ (euro) to blow >>>>>> =O =O =O =O



movie >>

Post edited February 27, 2011 at 07:42:42 PM by rich
btw i have this one WACOM INTUOS 3


bought for 20€ (friends price) from a m8's uncle xD
dude that intuos 3 is amazing, i worked with one at my old job, it cost 300 euros back then, thats a hell of a good wacom, im trying to save money to buy a cintiq, also i want to sell a laptop i have that i dont use to buy a tablet pc, to try and draw on it, a simple one is good, like a toshiba m200, or a toshiba r25

want to sell it rich? lollol
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