malorite's skyline brush project

Hello everyone!

I'm practicing my brushing skills (jack darton's style, jejeje, because his brushing tutorial is awesome!!!), so I've decided to rebrush a Nissan Skyline R-34 (My dreamt car) but with little changes, because I want to work on reflections, and the base image is quite good for that I think....

Here they are, base and wip.

Waiting for your comments, greetings from Spain!
thanks malorite! :D

nice start there, looking sweet. When you're over-brushing reflections, pay close attention to the original ones. The one's on the base picture are sharp yes, but they have some blurry edges in places, and they're not always fat and noticeable. Get them as close as possible :D
You're welcome jack :D

I have 4 layers at the moment. But I have only started in 2 of them. The other 2 are for darker and lighter colours, that's how I plan to improve those blurry reflections ;)

To be honest, the first time I saw your tutorial I thought "This guy is a f**king god!!!" xD
Unfortunately, I'm not able to follow it completely because I donĀ“t have a tablet, I'm working only with mouse, so I'm trying to find my own way ;)
Far from a god buddy xD

You're doing a good job with the mouse. If you ever get the chance to get a tablet, I would recommend a Wacom Bamboo Pen 6x4, they're relatively cheap and one of the best mid-entry tablets on the market. I've had mine for about a year now and I have no complaints at all.
That is a wicked base to start from malorite! Good choice... Good luck with it, practice hard and study hard - look at other good chops up close, open them in Photoshop, zoom right in on other peoples chops and scrutinize closely - that will give you good understanding of how things
work, and how the great artists lay down brush strokes and pay attention to pixel perfection ;).

Jack provided some invaluable advice: always pay attention to the original reflections - that tells you a lot about what you need to do. It also tells you a lot about how reflections work in general. Think about where the source of lighting is coming from, how it hits each body panel, and how the lighting lands on the edges of the body parts and things like that.

The more time you put into studying things like this, the faster you'll progress and pick it up. Keep at it mate!
thank you guys ;)

I've already done some brushed chops but I feel they're incomplete, that's why I need to improve my reflections. I hope to do it here :-d
BTW MK211,a little off topic. Is it hard to find a job in Australia? My girlfriend, who is a Geologist, would like to work and live there, and I'd have no problem going with her (I'm a teacher, jejeje) :D
Looking great man, it's good to see wips like this because even I can learn a lot from Wat the experts say hehe, keep it up brother
thanks F355. You can also answer the off-topic question!!! xD
Hard to say, in general I think Australia is a pretty good and easy place to find a job. You just have to be willing and look in the right places of course and there will always be jobs. However, geology is not an industry I am too familiar with. I don't know what type of jobs is open in that industry, however I can say Australia has a strong mining industry, and I assume geology has a fair amount to do with that.. Hard to say. Tell your girlfiend to check out if she wants to enquire about job opportunities available here in Australia ;) Thats the number one place to start finding jobs here.
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