Who using Linux here?

As the title said, really I'm get bored with my Windows, usually I just use it for photo-chopping or just learn Content Management System or Web Languange. So, if any using it, share here and let me and the other users know any of you knows :D

By the way, for Windows user, are your Windows is Genuine? :mrteeth:
I have used linux.. but I like the simplicity of mac better :)
well, do you know, what the best program in linux that "must have"?
Red Wine... used for installing programs i think..
linux is cool. i use it on my net book, i run photoshop on wine, but on the net book, i dont usually chop, is just for internet, when im out of house, and i must say i like ubuntu
mac is too expensive..
Linux is a much smoother system to me. I have an old crappy dell that came out when xp first came out and I have ubuntu on it and it runs so smooth compared to windows, but its very hard to figure out and I cant even get my internet to work on it.
Excuse my English I'm dyslexic ;)
I use a few flavors of the server editions at work. Linux is great, they're solid, stable OS's. And what's more they're free (most of them).. At home I've got a laptop setup to triple-boot vista, linux mint and ubuntu. I must say that out of the desktop editions, I'm a big fan of ubuntu personally. But I got to say I'm pretty satisifed with Windows 7, I think it's a great OS and I use that on a day to day basis.
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