Old hardware - How much is it worth?

I thought to open a thread where people are able to ask how much worth their things still are, they want to sell.

For me, I got an old Desktop PC and I want to sell it, don't think that I get much money for that but I just don't need it anymore.

AMD Athlon 3400+
2x 1024 GB RAM
Nvidea GeForce Gainward Bliss 7600GS PCX 512mb
200GB HD

~ 6 years old

I calculated around 30 to 50 € to get for it. But maybe it is better to sell one thing by the other than the whole package.

What do you think?
It's one thing how much it's worth. It's another thing how much you'll get for it.
Do you have an buyer for it? I just can't imagine someone would need such old stuff.

Your price range seems ok to me. Good luck selling it.
That sounds like a reasonable price to me.
you know, if you was to put up say the 2GB of ram on there, people would probably pay just 30 for them alone.
depends if it is DDR or DDR2 memory..

Otherwise you're pricerange for the stuff seems pretty good.
However i'm not sure it will be too easy to find a buyer as the parts arent really that "old".
Old Hondas never die, they just get faster!
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