Google Art project

Anybody checked this out already? Pretty cool if u ask me.. You can zoom so far in you can see the cracks in some paintings. Amazing. Go try it out.
That is fantastic, just zoomed into someones eye and you can see every shade of white.
Yeah it's pretty awesome :D When you first made the topic, I went looking for the Mona Lisa, as it's supposed to be full of hidden meanings etc but it would appear that the photographers weren't allowed maybe.
I went looking for the Mona Lisa straight away too. I like how you can 'explore' around the museum in first person, then exit and you end up on google street view... It's like google is trying to make a massive real world RPG.. weird.
its damn amazing, nice one
I think it's quite cool.
Already browsed a little through it.
I've never seen a Van Gogh up that close, I'm sure not many people in the world have... Closest I've seen would be a small image in a textbook. I think this is a great thing that Google has done/is doing. Bringing important artwork to the masses. It opens up the art to people that may not ever see/get the chance to see these historical masterpieces in that detail.

Still of course nothing can replace seeing them in reality. And now I've seen some of these here, I want to go and see them in real life even more.
Cool idea but I don't know why under Firefox and Mac OS 10.5 this cause a browser crash.
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