Round 1 (2011 Championships): Nissan 240sx

This is the discussion thread for the Round 1 (2011 Championships): Nissan 240sx competition. You can talk and chat about the comp in here. Do not submit your entries in this thread. They won't be accepted. Use the proper entry submission form. To go the official comp page click the following link: Round 1 (2011 Championships): Nissan 240sx.
Show me the pic!
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Great... lets see if i can participe in all of them this year.
Great!Finally ;)
if this is an free base (aslong as it is nissan 240sx) im in for sure
its not
Im in this time :-d out :P
Post edited January 04, 2011 at 11:31:05 PM by Zero
I'm In :-d
gazza wrote:
its not

since when have you been part of the staff?
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