burglary at my house :(

Damnit, there had been a burglary at my house :(
The television stood outside (to pick up later propably), the house was one big mess and my laptop got stolen (only big thing that was stolen actually)..
I was planning to make a back-up this week, as I only had time to do it this week.
So, there's no back-up and lost everything from the last 8 months or so!
All chops, other artwork, photo's, a lot of school work (99% of my school stuff is done on my laptop), etc.
These guys deserve to suffer a slow painfull death, argh I lost fcking everything!

Glad I post a lot of stuff on the internetz, so I still have a few flat images, but also lost tons of hours of work.. fck themmmmmmmmm!
Aw mate thats horrible, sucks people have to break into homes to steal/ sell stuff to make a easy dollar.

My house got burgle a few years ago, I know it feel absolutely awful, If there's anything I can possibly help with, feel free to ask Sn-, I'm here to help.
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Thats bad, espcially those works, all those stuffs can be buy back with money, but the works... Damn, anyways, hope you will still able to continue chopping. Cheers! :)
Oh shiat dude, that's was sad.. hope this guys be jail asap.. :-q Meh is terrible, tons of year of work gone lost...
That's really unlucky man. Hopefully they'll catch them... and you might even be able to get your stuff back (though that's pretty unlikely).

We've been burgled once before. They were actually after my parent's car a Subaru WRX.
They broke into the house took some stuff like phones and golf clubs, then took the keys to the car and tried to start it. Luckily the car has a keypad where you have to type a 4-digit code before starting it, so they could only roll the car down the street. Still was a real inconvinience :(
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
:( damn thats $$#%#^$#&U& :/^

they should cut of hands and fingers of thieves when caught , then maybe most would think twice :-q
Thanks mates.. It's just weird, everything is gone and cant do shit.
The end of a year doesnt seem to be my time.. I'll skip it next year ;D
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