Knee Operation

Hi guys!

Im so sad now...
Last Thursday I had a knee operation. Me and my dad were at the hospital at 8 am, because my operation were scheduled at 8.30 am, we tought it would be best to be early. What happened that day was that there were alot of unexpected incoming emergency patients (not sure if I said that right)... Anyways, my operation was postponed to 10 am... really awesome to sit and stare at hospital walls -.-

Then it was finally my turn. Me and my dad were lead into a pre-operation room, where they marked my leg with a green X (haha, would be inronic if they had done the wrong leg).
Then a portier came and rolled me up to the third floor where I was told I would have a hose down my throat - this was actually the part i was anxious about. Not the putting in part, but the taking out... cause' the doctor said they would have to wake me up from the narcosis to make sure I could breathe properly. Luckily, I cant remember anything from being rolled in or out from the operating room.

I recall waking up at the post-operation room, where this HOT nurse wanted me to pee before going to the x-ray. Imagine how it is to try to pee in a bottle, surrounded by three hot nurses, and a dozen other guys like you, whom just have woken up from narcosis... It just WOULDN'T happen!

That day was followed by three days of constant morphine abcense...

I must say i got pretty excited when seeing that i now have two metal screws in my leg... but i take that back now. Im now home, and can't describe how painfull this is!
Feels like a trucker just went over my knee, and then remembered forgetting something, backing up over my leg, and the driving over it again...

So here I am, I cant walk, I cant sit straight, and worst of all... Its too painfull to drive!!!

Have you been under an operation?
Get well soon Takin!
Post edited December 20, 2010 at 10:36:33 AM by jackdarton
Takin, get better soon. Why did you need the operation?
Post edited December 20, 2010 at 01:00:43 PM by MK211
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I got knocked down from behind when I was on my way from school a couple weeks ago.
The guy punched me a couple times in the head and kicked me while I was lying down.

Sewn three stitches in my forehead without anaesthetic and broke two ribs.
Not much of an operation but I thought I'd tell a little story too.
Aww, that sucks Daniel! Lets go get him!:D

Mark - It was a problem that started back in 2002 - my knee would tend to fall out of place, causing me to collapse and having to push it back in...
One somersault in a convertible car, no seat belt, 90 km/h. Lucky to have just been brought to the hospital for 4 hours..

Hope your knee will be okay !

jackdarton wrote:
I have no idea what you are talking about.

My bad, I don't know what I was talking about before either ;)
Not had one myself - but know people who have

It is always far more painful the first couple of weeks after the operation than it has ever been before....
Then, on a couple of occasions its forever worse after the op, however - that's just in the oldies ;)

Get well soon mate :D
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