Official Forza Motorsport 4 Thread

bit early but there's information on this game already
The newest title in Microsoft’s sim-racing series was introduced by Top Gear’s Tanner Foust and Rutledge Wood, and indeed the Top Gear logo appears prominently alongside that of developer Turn 10 Studios and the Microsoft Games Studios logo at the end of the game’s debut trailer. This would seem to indicate that Top Gear has some sort of significant involvement in the upcoming title, but for now, the nature of Top Gear’s contribution to the game remains unknown.

What we do know is that the cars in the game are going to look good. Really good. Though the debut trailer features quite a bit of real world footage of various kinds of racing (along with a few shots of deadly animals and the number 4), the rendered car that does make an appearance looks remarkably detailed. Take a look at the Forza Motorsport 4 trailer:


At E3 2010, Forza Motorsport 3 was identified as a title that would receive Kinect support, primarily in a mode that would allow players to virtually walk around and examine their cars. The icons that appear around the in-engine car in the Forza 4 trailer seem to be in line with what was promised for Forza 3 and, indeed, a trip to the Forza Motorsport website reveals that the upcoming game will support Kinect. It further notes that the game will also feature “the classic controls you’ve come to expect from the Forza series,” which leads to the conclusion that players will actually be able to drive cars in Forza 4 using Kinect. I, for one, am extremely curious about how that might turn out.

Ranters, what are your thoughts about Forza Motorsport 4? Were you surprised that it was revealed during tonight’s VGAs? What do you think about Kinect support for the game?

Forza Motorsport 4 is due next Fall, exclusively for the Xbox 360.


i think the kinect support is going to suck tbh but lets see how it does :)
Post edited June 27, 2011 at 08:22:11 AM by Zero
Kinect footage here shown at E3

Not a fan of kinect but the game will be hot!
I like you.
Duffers wrote:
Kinect footage here shown at E3

dont really want kinect for the racing but to use it to walk around the car and get into it is sweet =O
Zero wrote:
Duffers wrote:
Kinect footage here shown at E3

dont really want kinect for the racing but to use it to walk around the car and get into it is sweet =O

That's cool
AH! Looks great! Gotta buy this!
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
dont really get why you would pan around your car for anyreason, but i bet the main game will be good, i might get Xbox for this =)

It'd be funny if you can only walk around the "premium" cars.

Well it looks good, but I await in game driving footage, thats what matters :-d
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to be honest
i dont know how much more they can extract out of the xbox360 compared to forza 3...
yeah, those pics are good but clearly just rendered for the purpose with low poly backdrop...
I agree there but we vary there might be a Xbox 720 soon who knows with Microsoft lol

As I said in the gaming thread, it will be interesting to see how they do this do compete with GT5, surely they must do something to prevent losing customers? Not expecting a masterpiece either, merely another FM :) Definitely getting this!

It was also very cool to see that they put Norway/Rudskogen/Driftmonkey in the announce video, as I know the guys! :D
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