Drivers License

Hi guys!
Just wanted to inform you that I finally got my drivers license! Actually, I got it on Wednesday. But Ive been driving around, so havent really bothered to get on Autemo yet. But finally, after 2 years of practising, and irritating me on the theory part, I finally made it.

Here in Norway, you are permitted to practise driving with your parents, or someone above 25 (whom have had the license for 5 years in a row) - with a red "L" tag on the rear of the car. This is ofcourse, after attending a basic traffic course. Then you have a list of neccesary lessons to take. Ex. Long distance driving, driving on slippery road, overtaking, and driving in the city.

After that you can go take the test at the "Traffic Station". I was extreemley nervous when we finally arrived there. I had been driving around with my teacher for about an hour and a half before, but I was still pretty nervous. Ive heard tons of stories where these sensors (what we call the ones evaluating your driving, and can give you the license), has been discussed about as "irons"... (Iron means styrke in norway, so does 'failing'). But to my surprise, she was pretty nice. We went on talking about how other students found the test pretty short, and about my interest for cars.

When we got back, she said that she had nothing to put her finger on, that I was an exceptional driver. I was mind blown when I heard this! So now, the roads of norway are hereby not safe.. haha!

Also, I am buying my dads car. As he finally finished the loan on the house, he can afford to buy a new car. For him its between a black Nissan Quasqai with black leather interior and the 18 inch rim pack, which includes a BOSE stereo, or a gunmetal Opel Insigina with a cream leather interior.

Me? I really dont bother to care what car he buys! Ive got mine! A 2005 Audi A4 model B8.
Havent got much plans for it, other than cool rims, and decent lowering.

So, how do you get your license in your country?
IN short. Our way of getting a license is ghey. Because our government is ran by old d0uches that dont know any thing and have bitter lives. So they want to reduce everyone else having fun with stupid laws. so we'd be as miserable as them.

IN full.
- Computer test (theory?) 45 multiple choice test.
I passed
- 1 year learner license, must be supervised by a teacher or person with full licensed driver, you have to write a log book with 120 hours day light driving and 20 hours wet and or night driving, max speed is 80 km/h. :(
Im on this, hopefully for only another month

- Then 1 Year Green Provisional's, you have to do a actual driving test to get this.
You CAN drive by yourself, But cannot drive manual, if you first registered for auto learners. You also CANNOT drive ALL Turbo'd cars, V6 and v8 car's :omg: :-q max speed is 90km/h, because our road and traffic authority is mega gay

- Then 1 Year Red P's, you get this if you pass another driving test (parking, merge lane, etc.)
You can drive manual, you still cannot drive turbo v6-8 cars , max speed 100km/h

-then after the final driving test and3 years later. you get your full licence, congrats
Post edited November 12, 2010 at 07:19:31 PM by J_HUI
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J_HUI, you make our laws sounds mega gay. I'm glad I got my license just before the new restrictions and laws were introduced. NZ laws are pretty lax, my cousin just got her license over there just recently, and she's like 16!
have had license for 2 years now, nothing special in finnish system
There was this Australian dude at Sydney motor show who asked me that do we really do rally driving for our driver's license lessons, like they say in the Top Gear's Finland segment. I said that if the racing circuit thing counts as rally driving, then yes. He was all like "whoooa". :D
ollite20 wrote:
There was this Australian dude at Sydney motor show who asked me that do we really do rally driving for our driver's license lessons, like they say in the Top Gear's Finland segment. I said that if the racing circuit thing counts as rally driving, then yes. He was all like "whoooa". :D

yeah, the trackday was best part of it (drove it on winter)
ice ice baby !
and lol to test, where the passenger suddenly pulls handbrake and they see if you manage to keep it in control :D
compliments mate. :D
nothing really difficult in italy to obtain the driving license. :D
Here actually isn't realy hard,if you study your theory(wich is the 1st thing that you should do) you will pass easy.Then you have like 15 hours of driving in city,highways and some country roads (depends on your teacher).After that you have and 6 hour lesson for first help(no one fails here :D ).For final you have to pass 25 min. of driving in the city,the guy on the passenger seat is the guy that will give you the license if you manage not to do any mistake :D
That's all i think.

I still didn't have the chance to get my license,i was having some other things on my head,but after 3-4 months i'll hopely.
i took a month and a half to take my drivers licence, was fast, and i failed the theory once, if i didnt failed id have taken it in a month only lol
Davide_B wrote:
nothing really difficult in italy to obtain the driving license. :D

You would think that the drivers license just comes with the registration papers of the car. Italian drivers have a bad reputation :D
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