Profile Showoff!

This is the discussion thread for the Profile Showoff! competition. You can talk and chat about the comp in here. Do not submit your entries in this thread. They won't be accepted. Use the proper entry submission form. To go the official comp page click the following link: Profile Showoff!.
A very nice idea ;)
there are some basic rules? must be based on something or you have to do everything yourself?
Thanks guys :)
You just need to modify your profile on Autemo, which means you can't just take a screenshot and modify it in Photoshop. And sure, anything goes, but obviously watch out for copyrights and such ;)
Good luck!
Thanks dude.
I hope to see some good ideas here :D
how do we enter the profile comp ? do we do a screen shot or something ?
Yeah I think.. or something like it :)
when you vote, on the right side it says "choppers who have entered (3)"
but there are 4 entries :P

also im impressed in some of them profiles :)
What the heck?

I submitted like a week ago, my entries not there :S.
Bah, I bet Nicklas is rigging the comp. xD
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J_HUI wrote:
What the heck?

I submitted like a week ago, my entries not there :S.
Bah, I bet Nicklas is rigging the comp. xD

yeh i thought you were entering with your new layout :P
I did submit.

I know because after I submitted, I remember it redirected me back to the competition page and saying 1week and something hours left....

I'm devastated :(
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