A few minor updates released

Here's a couple things that I've just put up to continuously help make Autemo better and better.
  1. Added in some basic forum stats down the bottom of the main page on the forum.
  2. Modified the forum pagination (kind of a subtle change, but it has improved it)
  3. Internationalized the site a bit more by making all times on the site be presented in your timezone (you can specify your timezone in myaccount > account & settings. Have a look at the shoutbox times for example. Also I hope now nobody will miss the comp entry deadlines anymore :)
  4. Added in chopper level on the side of each post as well now.
  5. Made is so when you login it takes you straight to the forum, instead of to myaccount

Thanks guys, more updates are coming soon so watch this space!
Thanks a lot. It's always nice to see some progress on the site, even if it are just small things.

There's just a little problem with the time zones.
I've set GMT+1 for Germany. But the time in the forum is one hour behind.
I guess this could be a problem with the Daylight saving time.
Great work mate! :)
I like you.
Oh, and I forgot something.

Would it be possible to add an option to display the time "euro-style". (20:23 instead of 8:23 PM)
Good changes.
Especially the time zone is very useful.
And thanks for the statistics (although there is still more that could be in statistics, but for now it´s fine) :)
You know you wanna click it!
Hi walla, Getting the DST to work for all the different combinations is probably not going to work (or at least its not going to be very easy at all :P), but I think the best resolution would be just to change your timezone setting in your myaccount to GMT+2, and then just change it back to +1 when your Daylight savings is over :). Good news is I can make it display in 24hr format, so that I will do shortly ;)
Alright, then I'll do that.

Just thought that maybe it'll get on your toDo, because there are some mods e.g. for phpBB that can make that (like here: http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=1020905 ).

Could be hard with us having to select countries instead of timezones. That could be solved with small countries by connecting them to a timezone, but with countries like the US that would be difficult..

Edit: Just noticed that in fact we can select timezones. Have to look at the above linked script again, before telling more crap. :D

However, nice to hear that you'll add that 24h-format. Will be much easier to read for me. :D
I've started building the timezone integration now. Some of you may already have noticed. I'm just waiting to get the rest of the countries list finalized and then i can finish the tz system.

I've also started on releasing part of the new groups section (to preview go into a showroom and click on the 'members list' stickied thread.
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