Anyone remember this site ? what happend to it ?

>> My DeviantART <<
dunno, it made an comeback, then faded away bit by bit, then just dissapeared :)
It was a pretty cool site, it was run by a guy called Kieran dunno what happened to it it just died out. If anyone can shed some light on it it'd be cool to know what he's up to nowadays
yes! it was a cool site, im coding a similar one. i will finish it next month :D...
never heard of it :D
what sort of site was it ?
Me to! It´s unknown to me;)!?
REC wrote:
yes! it was a cool site, im coding a similar one. i will finish it next month :D...

Woo! That's cool to hear mate. Let me know how you're going with it! It's gonna be in PHP/MySQL?
It was my first ever chopping site! I was on there, even before DigiMods, aaages ago. Kieran and his missus were having another baby, and time and effort just didn't cut it to maintain a site with all that was going on. So they had to close it... First the forum went, and then after a while the gallery also went. Sad, but that's what happens.
MK211 wrote:
Woo! That's cool to hear mate. Let me know how you're going with it! It's gonna be in PHP/MySQL?
Yes, i was working with ajax (my first experience xD) but i had a lot of problems with php sessions, login and all that... now its only php and mysql :-d, perhaps i could include some ajax parts...

It would be like the monstermonster system... u send the chop and then we put it in the site. I ll send some screenshots of the design soon ;)! Im working in the codes now...
twas cool when it lasted! :D
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