.:iCandi - Interview in Arabic magazine:.

I got contacted by "Shadow" who said he wanted to do an interview with me for an arabic e-mag.
Im not sure if its allowed to post links or magazines for other communities, so heres the interview translated into english:

whos icandi ?
Thats my nickname. Im an 18 year old man from Norway, who started his chopping carreer when he was 14.
I remember when i first started posting my first chops on the norwegian forums - i would get flaming comments all over my topics.
It is quite intresting to look through those threads as they are now, cause most of the ones who flamed be back then - look up to me now.
Chopping is a huge part of my life. When i walk in the street and see a car with potential, my fingers itch to photochop it.
So that is who iCandi is.. a young student which chase his goals, and he wont give up untill he reaches them

how did you get into chopping ?
It all started back in 2006, when i came over a magazine called ´Gatebilª, where it was displayed some ´Virtual Modsª... This caught my interest, so i decided to search around the internet for some info on how these guys have done it. After having read around for a while, i managed to come over a program that my father had on his computer. My adventure started with Paint Shop Pro. After registering on a bunch of both Norwegian and International forums, this caught my attention more and more as the time went past. Now its been almost 4 year since my first meeting with modifying pictures and creating virtual cars. My alias is ´iCandiª, and this name is now widely known across the world of digital car modifying.

What would your friends tell me about you ?
Hm, they will most certainly tell you that i am a car and music fanatic. Hehe, everybody knows me by that. Im also a happy guy, i allways spread good mood wherever i am.

how do you see yourself in 2 years when it comes to chopping?
I really hope i have advanced when it comes to skills and popularity. But im also planning to study Mulitmedia Design, with Graphical Design as my main subject - so i hope that will help me advance a bit faster maybe. Allthough, i am allready rendering projects for companies and such.

What is your dream job ?
My dreamjob must be to have the opportunity to be able to render actual cars for an actuall car company - perhaps BMW or Audi.

Describe a person your admire.
Well, id have to say that my father is my biggest idol. He came to norway with only $5 dollars in his pocket. And in 22 years he have made the life of his wife and his two kids the best that they ever could dream about. I hope ill be able to form a family of my own someday - and stand up for them, just like the way my father have stood up for me.

Tell me about a major accomplishment.
Well, id have to say that the very greatest accomplishment ive acchieved was the one time i actually did a chop that people liked. But ive ran through alot of accomplishments that have helped to keep me motivated. Forexample, ive had many popular Work In Progress threads on many forums. One of them had nearly 500 replies and 6000 views. Also, getting in thouch with my chopping idols such as Active Design, Aykut, Jack Darton, Glacius, and many more - have also felt like an accomplishment. The fact that i actually chat with the guys that made chops beyond my fantasies.

How do you work inside a team ?
I work rather well with a team. Actually, i think that you can help eachother advance and motivate eachother

How do you handle criticism of your work ?
I think i handle it pretty fine. Its actually the critisim that have helped me to reach the next levels

Tell me about contribution you have made to a team effort.

Hm, we started a team a while back. It was me, Active Design, Aykut, and Gabriel 10. Was just a team where we commented eachother, helped eachoter...Also i participated in WTB 2010, with Team Norway

If you had unlimited free time, how would you append it ?
What do you think? Chopping of course!

What sets you apart from the crowd ?
Im very humble. Cant come up with anything else

How do you determine or evaluate success ?
That is when i feel that my chop or my artwork is recieved well by the audience. Wheter it is a community/forum or when its published on an internetsite.

Tell me about a project that you were personally disappointed in.
It must be the Astra.. it wasnt that popular.

What new challenges would you enjoy ?
That must be to conquer the things i cant really master at this time. The day i havent got anything new to learn ill quit chopping.

Which is more important creativity or efficiency? Why?
creativity. Because thats the essence of art

is there any info you want ppl to know about you ?
No, not really.

Any last word you would like to say to the arabic chopping community ?
Keep on chopping! And i really hope to see some more international work from you guys
Congratz! :)
That's awesome to hear for you iCandi :-d I enjoyed reading it too. Post up the link to the site mate it'd be cool to see the article!!
Here it is mate!
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