about forums

even if i often play on forums, i still dunno the.. ah, what it's called, like these:


and any(i forgot another else of them), any one can tell me what's that mean/stands for? Even my chops get better, my english still newbie, just know the basic of english languange.. Hhe.. xD
-lmao/lmfao = laughing my ass off
-lol = laughing out loud
-tbh = to be honest
-hof = Hall of fame
-wtb = World team battle
-+1 = I agree with the persona bove

For other things please google or get straight on urbandictionary.com :P
oh, okay.. Thanks.. xD
oh, okay.. Thanks.. xD
You double post quite a lot dont you Ivan xD
X-Raited Creations wrote:
You double post quite a lot dont you Ivan xD

I could think the same lol..
Sorry, I open this site on my mobile.. hhe.. sorry
Few in my country you'll hear, but I'll keep them to myself. Brian knows what I am like haha :P
I assume you know the 'chopping' abbreviations of fb - front bumper, rb - rear bumper etc.

Other ones that turn up occasionally are:
FTW - For the win (If something is the best e.g. Pear Cider over Ice FTW)
FB - Facebook (context of sentace determines whether front bumper or facebook)
FYI - For your information
FWIW - For what its worth
IMO / IMHO - In my opinion / In my honest opinion
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