How do you enjoy ur photoshopping..? with mouse, touchpad on note book, or what?
I even not really care about this, but this is unique... I see my friend was awesome while chopping with touchpad on notebook, he is a master when use that, but he sucks when he meet a mouse on a desktop (that is not a touchpad).... lol
Opposite from me... I can use the mouse well when I chopping, and so difficult when chopping on notebook.. hahaha..
Even I've heard that some people mastering photoshop with a virtual pen/Wacom (I call it that because I dunno what's the name it is), and perfectly draw in that tablet pc..
So, how do you enjoy ur photoshopping with? tell me, I though it will be fun.. Haha..
Opposite from me... I can use the mouse well when I chopping, and so difficult when chopping on notebook.. hahaha..
Even I've heard that some people mastering photoshop with a virtual pen/Wacom (I call it that because I dunno what's the name it is), and perfectly draw in that tablet pc..
So, how do you enjoy ur photoshopping with? tell me, I though it will be fun.. Haha..