
So, who has one? What are your favorite apps?

I got mine a nearly a month ago, and LOVE it. Totally awesome machine. anyone else?
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I'm a poor college student so nothing fancy for me... :(
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Chopperkid44 wrote:
I'm a poor college student so nothing fancy for me... :(
+1 :(
but i see some videos with drawing application and games, and i have no words :omg:

drawing (sketch book pro):
Are there any plans to make a pressure sensitive one? If so id snap one up nearly instantly lol. Even if the OS was utter crap wouldnt be too hard to re-write the firmware to make it a pc peripheral.

Out of curiosity, how long does the battery last? Might be worth it simply to replace all of my notebooks for uni =] Oh and how do you find reading on it? I found the glossy screen thing theyve done on most macbooks/iphones quite annoying with low backlight, did they put it on the pad too?
Good to hear that you like it. I haven't seen, let alone used one yet. It's one of those things that I figured is gonna do really well and be the launch of a whole new genre of exciting devices or is gonna flop. I can't really make a call on it till I've got my hands on one... So I'm glad to hear your feedback is really positive. It makes me really wanna check one out for myself.
what mark said combined with what chopperkid said xD

Because people would buy Steve Jobs excrement if it was presented in a flashy case and supported a myriad of silly apps.

And yes, I've tried it - didn't approve. It's like an oversized iPod with the exact same apps and costs the same to browse the net. I really don't see how this can match my laptop love. Sorry to you Apple fanboys, but I really don't see the point in throwing a huge wad of cash at something that doesn't fit any need - you could spend them on a rather good laptop instead.
Weird, with such innovations as the iMac, iPod, iPhone, that have completely revolutionized the technology and communication markets, I'll place my bets with apple, thank you. Let me know when Gates has his first good product.
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Gates was never about making a good product, he has and always will be a business man. I dont know anyone else that could monopolise the OS market for so long with such a shitty product :P

I still dont see what Apple's done that is revolutionary in terms of technology. You have to give them credit for their marketing though.
Post edited May 29, 2010 at 03:39:01 PM by Chernobyl
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