UK General Election

Is anybody (uk only) voting tommorow in the election.

I'm uncertain about it as a downfall is that your putting yourself up for jury duty. - Use if your uncertain.

On a subject that i went high on, the conservative party came out as the party that suits my key points. Anybody else in the UK who is able to vote voting tommorow?
I'm looking incredibly much forward to reaching the voting age, which is 18 here. I think it's very exciting, and I think that as much people as possible should participate. However, you don't sign up for jury duty when voting here, and from what American films have taught me, jury duty is a srs PITA :P
It's compulsory here to vote in Australia. I've also done jury duty, it ain't that bad! Plus they pay you about $120AUD per day (and my employer still paid me my standard weekly wage on top of this..) plus provide lunch and snacks. Sure it would definitely suck to get stuck on an OJ simpson kind of trial of course.. but the chances of that are pretty slim. Generally jury duty only goes for a few days at most. Overall it gives you some pretty good life experience and shows you first hand of how the legal justice system works in your country.. and it gets you out of normal work :P
I voted in the Norwegian election back in September, it was my first vote since I turned eighteen in March last year. I actually thought it was a bit scary at first, lol, but my party didn't win the election :( I hate the way Norway is run, so I would like to see a change!

I don't know if you have to do jury duty if you vote over here, but I certainly hope I don't have to. My mom had to do it, she got put on a case where a dude killed another dude with a TV (how random is that, lol) xD

Hope the UK election goes well and that there is no cheating of any sort :) As we say in Norway: Godt valg!

P.S: I suggest we all send hate mail to Jackdarton as he's not going to vote because he's a lazy git.
The way its bein going sofar, the UK looks to be on course for a Hung Parliament but that can very easily change. Haven't voted before but from the downfalls of voting in the UK the Jury Service is the biggest as you can't just decide one thing and then want to change your mind, and thats something that i couldn't do.

P.S: DevilsTower, looks like me and Jackdarton are very similar then, both lazy.
Oh god.... not voting, it's such a chore to go the voting place up the road, just to tick a few boxes and it's not like my vote will make a difference xD .
Since I've turned a 18 I haven't voted yet (lucky), but even the idea of voting bores me to death. Shame there a $AUD50 fine for not voting. Damn greedy government. :-q :-q

But I dont mind jury duty, Like Mark say's you get paid =O and it's just experience, but will really suck if you get caught up on a major case.
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J_HUI wrote:
Shame there a $AUD50 fine for not voting. Damn greedy government.

It because the Prime Minister of Austrailia likes his porn as he was reportedly following porn sites on his twitter. Got get the money for the accounts somewhere. - more info in the link.

If i don't vote one reason (and it might seem petty) is that i cannot trust any politician as far as i can throw them and on youtube i watched videos by all 3 main parties on certian issues and they was all singing from the same hymn sheet and i doubt they'll deliver.

What has suprised me most about this thread is that i'm the only person who has posted that is from the UK.
I get that some people don't feel the need to vote and that they have their reasons.
At the same time, in my eyes, if you cannot even be bothered to go and vote, what right do you have to complain about well, pretty much anything yo do with how your country's run.
This isn't aimed at anyone, I'm merely opening this discussion up for some debate. :)
So far, there is no party here that I can fully support, so whenever my time has come to vote, I will vote blank, or just anything that's not on the left wing ;). It's a general problem here, that not enough people are voting, and therefore it's feared that some of the future elections won't have enough voters to be eligible.
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