Wish me good luck,...


Till next wednesday I will not often be here in the forum, guys.

I will write my A-Levels. This thursday I write the first test. <_<
It will be the basic course mathematics, 3 very very important hours.
On monday I write advanced course art, over 5 hours. Nearly the whole
art history is important and I hope there will be a good to do practical part.
On Wednesday is advanced course english, over 4 hours of time. Hopefully
I will get a good understandable text with good questions, translation and comment topics.

So three writing tests the next days and then 4-5 weeks later will be my forth
and last test in basic course history, but that will be a verbal presentation and
conversation between me and my teacher about the whole german history. -.-

Will be a tough time, but after the third written test I will have much time to
be here again. Of course I will tell you later on if I passed, hopefully I will.

After that everything will be possible: job, studying...

But not the topic right now,
I will go on learning mathematics (arithmetic,geometry, analysis) HATE IT.

Wish me good luck.
That the equivalent to the high school final exams?
Good luck Sfdesignz!

I finished my first exam today, many more will follow ;)

Cya! ;)
Good luck sfdesignz!
Sfdesignz Good luck!

The lessons are important. After lessons we should do our other work. I hope you'll come easy as you're a success, my brother. :-d
Good luck!
Today in exactly 1 year, I will already have finished the Abitur (A-level). (Because I am in the last G-9-year)
Please tell me about your mathematics-test afterwards, because I am currently thinking about choosing that instead of physics.
Do you already know what you are going to do after the Abitur?
Do you have to serve the 6 month military or civil work?
You know you wanna click it!
Hey thank you all so far for the support!

ollite20, it is more or less comparable, I guess.
High School Certificate, general qualification for university entrance...

Nicklas, which one have you finished today?

Thx Brian, thx Mavra.

@ Closed:
Yeah I know, it is the same in our school, the pupils one year down will finish in
march or so. Really complicated with the G8 System. I will tell you how it was.
I'm absolutely underqualificated for physics or mathematics^^.

Dunno if it is now offically 6 months or still 9 months, 6months is really strange,
but yeah I do the civil work after school. Have then a job in a social welfare work
as a driver, so I have my route every day and drive out food for people, extremely
relaxed job, my brother did that before and it wasn't very exhausting. :D
It was the first of my Danish exams. Dictation and reading-test (you read a text, and answer questions about it, and stuff like that). Next (Danish exam) will be on Wednesday, 4 hours of essay writing. Then an oral exam at the end of the month some time, I think.
Tomorrow is mathematics. 1 hour skill test, and 3 hour assignment test = yaaaay <_<
I won't have a German oral exam. Kinda lucky cos it's very hard, but on the other hand I'll have a history exam instead :-q
Which graduation do you have afterwards? Seems to be kinda different to the A-Levels in Germany.
I'm 16, this is the Danish elementary school :P Off to gymnasium next year ;)
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