Tablet Lag?

You just popped a couple of disco biscuits and they're not spooling up.

Nah i'm borrowing a Wacom Bamboo off my mate, pretty cool so far, except for one thing.
Went to give a bit of sketching a go in Photoshop and it's laggy as hell? Like sometimes itll not even put a brush stroke down sometimes itll just put it down late. Tried some speed painting too seems to do the same thing.
Anyone know why?
short answer: you need more ram

long answer: instead of upgrading your pc, just go into photoshop preferences, can usually be found in edit > preferences at the bottom. Go into performance, and dedicate more ram usage to the program. Alternately, go into task manager, right click photoshop in processes and set the priority toL "above normal" Tempting to set it higher than that, but it can make the system unstable.
i wondered if it was that, then remembered i got 4gb of ram.
But thanks ill make sure i set it to use more of it :)
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