Photoshop CS5 and its new features, it will amaze you.

So i had a look at the new CS5 , and i can say its something that is gonna change everything from to the day its released.

The things we have perfected for years, like cloning and brushing, is gonna be as simple as a selection and a mouse click , i do think on one hand its stupid, but on the other hand its genius.

Here are just some examples on how changed it is .

Amazing photoshop page

I can also tell you that the NEW CS5 comes in both 64 BIT and 32 BIT, this is a HUGE help for ppl strugling with scratch disk errors and not having enough memory.

I have preordered my copy now and i will tell you the cheapest way to get this product for your own..

First get Photoshop CS3 from here
its about 225 $ wich is not bad consider

then what you do is you UPGRADE that to Photoshop CS5 from here
and this is about 199$

So in total its now 424 $ and thats not bad consider the full CS5 is 699$


cs5 sucks.i preffer photoshop cs1 :-d


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Post edited April 21, 2010 at 11:34:21 PM by Nicklas
When you said you had a look, do you mean you've tested CS5 or do you look at the add on the adobe site? In my experience from years, automatic tools comparably to puppet warp, content aware fill and others never reached the same result as a good photoshopper.
Otherwise every next gen version had good new tools I won't miss :)
I got a closed beta version tested ;)

Lucky you glac!
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
I've checked the 3D features for Photoshop and I'm quite amazed man!!
Glacius wrote:
So in total its now 424 $ and thats not bad consider the full CS5 is 699$


Anyways, i shall get a copy and try it out for myself. It does look brilliant.
Although kinda gay at the same time that it's going to make chopping easier :/
I've looked at it and was pretty amazed. One of the best features I think is the content aware fill.

Amazing video to go with it:

Basically it adds superb capability of removing things like bump strips on cars, color matching plastics, or even make C+P parts fit seamlessly without having to do a huge amount of work. It's actually those kinds of things I would consider "not fun" while doing a chop.
Artist formerly known as "Dev"
Content-Aware Fill = Witchcraft :mrteeth:
Sex sucks, true love swallows wild.gif
Aaaah man, I don't like it. Where the hell is your talent then? Everybody can mark a place and got to a button called "content aware fill" ...I'm not very happy about that. :/
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