Great Tutorial Vids for Noobs..

Hi guys this my first Video Tutorial here.. it's for Noobs :)

my videos is so special :)

why ?? cause they have been Heavily compressed :)

********** Guys read carefully please.. :) **********

i cmpressed them >> to the smallist size you've ever seen..

********** you need less than 2 minutes to unzip them .. **********

the first one is about using the pen tool
the size is : 6.MB
the size after unzip : more than 500.MB
Pen Tool Tutorial_by crazy_3azeb.rar

the second is about the wrap tool
the size is : 20.MB
the size after unzip : more than 1,5 .GB
en3kasat --- Warp Tool.rar

the third is about brushing a roll bar cage
the size is : less than 3 .MB
the size after unzip : more than 465 .MB
Roll bar Cage lesson + int-pipe.rar

the forth is about applying the stickers
the size is : less than 5.MB
the size after unzip : less than 1,5 .GB
simple stickers tutorial.rar

the fifth is about the Reflection .. with the Liquify Tool
the size is : 11.MB
the size after unzip : more than 1 .GB
Liquify Lesson.rar

Dont bother your self translating the Texts in the vid's..
cause i've made it months a go for an arab forum..

just watch and practice.. i'm sure this will be so helpfull .. :)

later I'll download some of them but because you do not decrease the size of them? : S
Seems like some good info there. Thanks for sharing
huhh... they're too big...
Germanow17 wrote:
later I'll download some of them but because you do not decrease the size of them? : S

it's already compressed to the mininmum size :)

Chapster5 wrote:
Seems like some good info there. Thanks for sharing

your welcome bro:)

Pufferzsola wrote:
huhh... they're too big...

common guys do you think i'd post something too hard to download :)
nice tutos bro ^^
Germanow17 wrote:
nice tutos bro ^^

thnx pal..
No i mean that if i unzip them, then they will flood my hdd :D
Pufferzsola wrote:
No i mean that if i unzip them, then they will flood my hdd :D

you dont have to unzip them all at once :)

unzip the first , watch it then delete it..

then unzip the second that's it ..

and by the way it's like 5 giga or something..
Nice tuts dude, what program do you use to make the videos?
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