Autemo e-zine? Read on...

OK, had idead flitting around in my head for a while on this one and whilst nothing is set in stone at all at the minute, i feel it's cool to see just who would be interested in taking on the Autemo e-zine if/when the time comes around. Prime candidates would need to have good time-keeping, a passion to keep the chopping community up to date on the latest happenings, and of course a good level of photoshop skill. This would more than likely be a monthly thing to give editors time to gather information to pad out each edition with. As I said, this isn't definite but just reply here if you would like to become Autemo's first Editor. Chances are we would need 2-3 team members IF the time comes.
I'm interested :)
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
I'd be intrested in helping out with the e-zine.
Mmmm... I'm not that active on Autemo, but I'm pretty handy with photoshop layouts and stuff.

Do ya wanna make it in .pdf extension, or as a webpage?
I'd be happy to help if needed. And I'm around all the time. :-d
I took the job with the PSU e-zine but then PSU went down!.,,. So if you don't mind jinxing the existence of autemo, I am interested again. :P
Although i'm new to flashy web layouts and such i feel i'm a great writer and it just sounds like good fun and a nice resume piece :)
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile

I reccomend that software. Great Magazine engine I use it on my friends site see example i made here:

Great idea Jack :)
Ooh pick me i'd love to play a role in this !!!
It'll be great to put in my resume ( Im trying to get into a media / graphic college course), I have excellent time management (never missed a chop deadline) and I'd love to have the opportunity work along side choppers i respect. =O

Pwwwease !!!! :)
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