
well the trusted lap top died and i can get online for roughly 10 min before it gos crazy an shuts down
so this weekend or next week i will get a custom build system (friend builds it)
a pc no lap top so i hope to be back soon ...
Sigh! I was actually wondering just yesterday where you went!
Tough luck, hope to see you back soon Rich!!

if u have Windows then start the laptop using (( Safe Mode with Networking ))

after u start the laptop press F8 as many time as u can until ascreen appeares
then u choose (( Safe Mode with Networking ))..

use this method when u cant log in Normaly.. and this way u can fix some of the problems or Uninstall something also u can delete a Virus if u know where it is.. , e.t.c ..
Tap the top of the laptop with a sledge hammer... sometimes fixes issues

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Chapster5 wrote:
Tap the top of the laptop with a sledge hammer... sometimes fixes issues

I do not hold responsibilty for your actions, what you do is subject to yourself!

Dont abuse the use of Technology. it's not good for your Health o.O
also u need to put some Positive comments :doh:
Crazy, he meant that clearly as a sarcastic joke!

Anywho rich, crazy_3azeb is right, windows safemode does help you alot to diagnose and resolve problems. Especially if its a virus which it possibly could be, and indeed sounds like. I doubt it'd be a hardware issue, as those type of problems normally don't even let you boot up. Let us know how you go with it.
MK211 wrote:
Crazy, he meant that clearly as a sarcastic joke!

i Know he was just Joking , that's why i said (( it's not good 4 Y'r health )) :-d

but the issue here wa serious at least to me, i mean i cant live without a computer for even 1 day :(

there's nothing against Fun or jokes. but we should combine between fun and serious things :-d

try to remember the last time the laptop worked. in that tie particulary try to remember what kind of programms or keygens or songs or whatever u downloaded from the internet..

first uplaod the file u suspect to contain a virus (( could be, EXE or Mp3 or whatever ))

to so that u can see if it contains virus or not..

and then upload it in

they will where the virus install it self in your system. and then perhaps u can delete it from your system

(( cause u need to delete the file that contains the virus + the virus and the folders that was created and installed BEHIND your back inside the System directory ))

cause sometimes those Ignorant Hackers attach a Virus in a Normal programm that u will never suspect it so when u install the programm it installs perfectly. but behind your back the virus install it self along with its folders and files installed

i have a report showing exactly where the program installed it self :

see ? can help u alooot !! (( ofcourse the program i uploaded was clean Though :D ))

you'll recive the report link in your E-mail .. but be u gotta wait 5 minutes or so..

i hope it can be fixed soon. :-d
Post edited March 24, 2010 at 11:02:52 PM by crazy_3azeb
thnx guys but tbh i abused it , its on 24/7 (heat) and full off stuff , its a old lap top and basicly its time for a good system

i started to have issues with stripes in the screen , moving lines , my guess is that the grafic / video card is givving up
also its slow as hell

i dont download stuff , i basicly use some forums and do chopping , thats it

i dont think its a virus

anyway its time for a good system

i got this lap top for free with a broken hd so for a small ammount i got it running and i was like it works so i will get a good system later

now its really just like i reached the limit space wise and cpu wise its not happy with me either

so the choice was simple

im gonna post this quick before it shuts down :)

thnx guys see ya soon
one solution to see if it really is a virus is boot it up with linux

free, really fast operating system
some features are better than windows, and it doesn't ahve the problems with viruses like windows, :D

its a useful tool if you have a copy on CD, then if a computer ever goes haywire, slot it in, and boo the operating system from the disk...then solve ur problems from the linux operating system :-d
I don't see how booting up in linux will help you diagnose and solve if there is a virus in your windows OS.. True, linux is more stable and has less viruses running around out there for it, but how will it help you resolve any issues in your windows partition?. My laptop is multi-boot capable and I've got windows vista business, linux mint and ubuntu installed on it.. I'd still suggest if you got a virus, then you're best starting in safe-mode then running a virus scanner/anti-rootkit.. anyway rich said its a hardware fault most likely anwyay.
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