WTB 2010 - Official RULES

World Team Battles are here for everyone to have fun. Remember to keep to the basic code of conduct and rules of Autemo. Remember you are representing your country. Please act accordingly!

* Base Image for each round will be supplied on the start date of each round. This will be a stock car in high resolution. NO changes will be made to the base Image.
* Members of each team must decide on how they are going to make the computer generated Image (chop) and what the end result they are aiming for will be. Communication amongst the team is crucial. We heavily recommend exchanging msn/AIM/Yahoo addresses whilst the work is in progress.
* Autemo takes no responsibility for internal conflicts amongst team members and reserves the right to cancel any team's registration for behavioral or other reasons.
* The entries must be posted on, or before the due date. It is each team's responsibility to ensure the image is up and working on the closing date.
* Entries must be posted as a direct image on the forums, with a maximum width of 800 pixels. An additional high resolution image must also be posted as a link.
* Autemo reserves the right to refuse submissions that are not posted as an Image, are over 800px wide, are not working on the submission date, or are late.
* Entries must not be submitted to any other area of Autemo, nor on any other forums either until after the rounds voting is finished.
* Stealing is ABSOLUTELY forbidden and will result in immediate disqualification and permanent ban.
* Any teams found trying to cheat the voting system, or in anyway rig it for their benefit, all members will be deleted from the competition and banned permanently from Autemo.


SECTION 1 - Who is ALLOWED to vote:
* Members participating in the competition
* Members not participating in the competition, but have been registered for at LEAST 2 weeks, and have at LEAST 20 forum posts.

SECTION 2 - Who you CAN NOT vote for:
* Members are NOT allowed to vote for their own teams.
* Additionally, members are NOT allowed to vote for any team in their countries.
* If you are caught voting for your own country your vote will be disqualified.
* Recurring offenders will be banned.
* Autemo Staff will be checking IP's of the voters to check the country from which the votes have been submitted.

SECTION 3 - Who you CAN vote for
* Vote for ANY team not included in section 1 (Any teams that are NOT from your country).
* Please vote on all divisions.
* At least ONE member of each team must vote, but preferably all members.

SECTION 4 - How to Vote
* Give 10 points to the BEST entry
* Give 9 points to the SECOND BEST entry
* Give 8 points to the THIRD BEST entry
* Give 7 points to the FOURTH BEST entry
* Give 6 points to the FIFTH BEST entry
* Give 5 points to the SIXTH BEST entry
* Give 4 points to the SEVENTH BEST entry
* Give 3 points to the EIGHTH BEST entry
* Give 2 points to the NINTH BEST entry
* Give 1 point to the TENTH BEST entry
* Where possible, give comments to contestants.


10 points = Team Uzbekistan 4
9 Points = Team Mongolia 2
8 Points = Team Bolivia 3
7 Points = Team Maldives 1

Please vote fairly to all contestants. Don't vote for your friend, vote for the best entries on the basis of creativity, effort, execution, visual effect, etc.

Good luck to all teams, and happy voting!
Post edited March 08, 2010 at 04:46:39 PM by MK211
can I vote for team Arabia ??
read carefuly section 1
F_R ....
You can .... Because ... Team Arabai 1
Component of
Bahrain, Iraq, and you are from Saudi Arabia ....
But ... You can not vote for the team [ team Saudi ]
You understand ؟
Post edited March 03, 2010 at 04:05:45 PM by gm-over

My favorite song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOjwmMMIjJU ....
MK211 wrote:
members are not allowed to vote for any team in their countries.

there are different comments :(

please MK211 answer me
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