how do i match color?

i made this chop but dont know how to match the colors..[img]null[/img]11234996_724539604346783_9117682843332704926_o.jpg
good enough?
Well for one thing if you want white you can "Desaturate " the Layers so they dont have any colors other than the "grey scale ".
Do that by: Right Click and Desaturate, or
Ctrl+ Shft+ U

Then use the "eyedropper tool" to pick out the shades of white you need.

And also try finding pics with Cars or Wheels at the same angle so they don't look flat like your wheels right now.

Hope I helped. ;)
You should never desaturate paint, even if it will match the colour. Real paint is never gray scale.

To match the colour there are a few different techniques:

1) Press Ctrl + U to bring up the Hue/Saturation control. Drag the hue slider until the colour looks right. For example, your sideskirt looks quite green - drag the hue slider to the right until it looks more blue. If it still looks too blue, slide the saturation slider to the left a bit (not all the way) until it matches.

2) Create a new layer above your chop. Take a colour sample from the paint you want to match (for example, the blueish gray on the door), and fill the area above the paint you want to change (i.e. sideskirt). Then change the layer blend mode from 'Normal' to 'Hue' (this menu is at the top of your layers panel). Again, you may have to reduce the saturation if it is too blue.

With both of the methods above, the part might be too dark or light, or have too much contrast. Try adjust this by going to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast

Hope this helps :)
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