Retirement // Random94

Hi everyone.
Recently, I havent been around the forum at all, or producing chops. Since PSU closed down, I have struggled to find the time or inspiration to start or finish a good chop, due partly to social commitments, and most importantly to my band. This band has taken up my life, and writing, recording and playing music has consumed all my spare time. That said, I thoroughly enjoy being a part of it, and for that reason it has become more of a priority than chopping. So, heading into a busy and important year of school, lacking time and inspiration, I have decided to stop chopping altogether. I still do, and will continue to do other graphic design work, but cars don't really do it for me any more. I may still visit the forum occasionally (and admins, if an E-Zine is started again, i would really appreciate the opportunity to be part of the team), but I think I'm done chopping.

Good luck, and goodbye,

Jack // Random94
Ah, a great loss to the community. It's WLK all over again ;)
Anyway, we had a great run Jack. Take care and have fun!

We'll let you know ;)

Sad, but it´s your decision.
So, have fun with music and your other hobbies and good luck at school!
You know you wanna click it!
Shame dude but hopefully we'll see u around sometime soon ;)
bai jack, hopes to cee yew agen soon :-d
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo ooOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooOOOOOOo Charles NoooooOOOOO!!

We'll miss ya around here mate, but its good to hear you're sticking with graphic design and all the best with the band too Jack. It was fun having ya around. Do drop by if you ever get a spare moment! We'll def let u know if we start up the ezine again! Take care my friend
How did I miss this thread!?!?!


I will definitely miss you! (even though I see you everyday at school xD)

Good luck with the band and graphic design... I'm sure it will go well for you ;)
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
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