Chops on wallpaper site (loads :/ )

Someone has recently been uploading chops :/
Check next pages for more recent ones..
You CAN report them by claiming ownership etc. Do what you like.
Haha ones i spot on first glance:


Wow this is sad....

Thanks for the heads up i'll check if any of mine are there cuz that large of an amount of chops with logos included is unacceptable :(
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
tbh, there isn't much you can do about it. People are gunna take your pics anyway, and you can't blame them if they look good and you dont copyright them =/

It wouldn't bother me either because they're not making money from the pics, more exposure for you at the end of the day :D
I'd take it as a compliment tbh... and also it is pretty good exposure like Jack said. Isn't it rewarding to know that ppl out there like your work and would actually use it on their pc desktop.? I know as an artist myself its the best form of compliment but I also know it would be great if users out there paid us say $1 royalties everytime someone wanted a new wallpaper. But unfortunately hey I dont think that would ever happen anyway.
Yeah you guys bring a good point. Makes us celebrities in our own right :)
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
All these old chops that I'd forgotten about there, enjoyed looking through to be honest :D .
You can get them taken off if you REALLY wanted to.
Cheers for listing the names, I was having a hard time id'ing them xD
jackdarton wrote:
tbh, there isn't much you can do about it. People are gunna take your pics anyway, and you can't blame them if they look good and you dont copyright them =/

It wouldn't bother me either because they're not making money from the pics, more exposure for you at the end of the day :D

By default you own the image, its copyright to you, use of the image without your permission is strictly prohibited and comes under copyright laws. We just did it in Graphics in college, what ever image you take or create is yours! Your property you may sue as long as you can prove you made it with a PSD file or whatever also the person who is using the image elsewhere MUST! have a Dillagence file to prove they recived permission to use the persons image in any form.


Nick :-d
1: you only own the image if you changed more than 75% of the base picture you started with, otherwise, the people who took the base picture own it.

2: the wallpaper site isn't making any money from the pictures, so technically they're not doing anything wrong. It's creative commons, how do you think a website such as DA get away with it :P
jackdarton wrote:
1: you only own the image if you changed more than 75% of the base picture you started with, otherwise, the people who took the base picture own it.

2: the wallpaper site isn't making any money from the pictures, so technically they're not doing anything wrong. It's creative commons, how do you think a website such as DA get away with it :P

DA get away with it because the user who made the image uplaoded it not DA lol :doh:

and pretty much most of them images uploaded on the wallpaper site have been changed more than 80% of the image :-d
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