A new way of doing Competitions

Two competitions have started so check them out and be one of the first choppers to compete in one of the first non-forum based chopping competitions.

They are leaderboard based so the points you earn in each comp tally up against the total leaderboard so you can see where you stand against all of the other choppers competing in the tournaments.

Each competition has their own thread for discussions, and have their own voting and entry submission areas. We also may make some competitions 'invite' only so for example we can have intermediate choppers only competitions or advanced choppers only etc

2009 Autemo Championship

General Competitions

EDIT: There was an issue on the comps page which restricted brand new users from accessing the comps page, thats been fixed now
That's pretty sick...I like it :D
I got a couple of pm's from users saying when they clicked on the comp banners it was not letting them access the actual individual comp area...

That problem has been fixed now so Please go check out the comps section now
Yes, that's working ;)
So if you enter the Competition, do you leave your name/logo on the final version/chop?
as it does to register?
The base of this month in higher res image. Could you change it, im sure some ppl care about base resolution, if you want smaller you can always resize it...
For all comp bases or for chops, this website frikking PWNZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

3000x2001 Res.
I started with the Scirocco
I know me everybody is going to hit a beating but never mind XD XD
I'll get another now ÇÇ
I was looking forward to doing one of these comps but the iroc is just a general comp and i dont have time anyway :( and i dont like the tesla :p
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