Strange Ligth on the sky

Hey! Just found this!
What do you think it is?
lol you can see the beam coming from the ground. its a light beam, and its shoting and hiting the clouds, nothing major really , :P and anyway shit like that with UFOs only happends in US, not in Norway :P

EDIT< i take that back

its a russian rocket, now its time to worry :P

what was that guys?? a rocket?? wtf
apparently it was a russian rocket =)
It was a Russian rocket leaking fuel if I'm not mistaken. And just before the Obama visit tomorrow, I bet Secret Service is shitting they're pants!

well when i look at theese pictures im doubting it was rocket lol it looks way to odd for that :/

Nope, it was a intercontinental nuclear missile fired from a Typhoon-class submarine :) The blue light is the exhaust-smoke while the light is the actual rocket doing fancy spirals after failing!
fook me look at this 0,o
soo nice

happend in China t o
and russia
in 2012 everyone will die so no worries guys
haha Erhabe, nah but i believe that looks awesome hah :p How ever i dont see why the rocket would make that " bubble " like something is dripping down on the atmosphere..
However i have no idea how it looks like when the rocket passes through it.
But im thinking if it was the rocket you would be able to see a little bright dot or something?
Old Hondas never die, they just get faster!
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