Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Frohe Weihnachten!

So, it's finally December, and we all know what this means: Christmas!
Tell us all about your Christmas; what's your wishes, how do you celebrate it, where do you celebrate it, or don't you celebrate it at all?

I'll start it off...
Well, as every year I'm staying at home with my family. My sister and her boyfriend will come home, but he'll leave to celebrate it with his own family. For the Christmas dinner we'll be having goose and duck, with white potatoes and candied potatoes. Then we'll walk around the Christmas holding hands, and then open the presents. Next day, the 25th we'll visit other family and have the traditional dinner for that occasion. We'll be doing that for 2-3 days, or family will come and visit us. Before you know it, it's New Years Eve, and another year has begun.
I actually (though as usually) have no idea what to wish for. Perhaps a camera, so if you have any tips on which to wish for lemme know ;)

Well, that's basically my Christmas, now tell us about yours!

Post edited December 05, 2009 at 02:41:11 AM by Nicklas
1 Wake up (8am try and get a lye in if possible)
2. Wait for everyone else to get up (Watch TV and snack to pass time)
3. Open presents
4. Wait for all relatives to come round
5. Eat tea at 2pm (Turkey, Stuffing, Potatoes, Carrot and Swede, Gravy and Sprouts)
6. Most people leave
7. Play with presents and stuff face for rest of the day
8. Have a few beers before bed
9. Bath then Bed

Done (until next year)

I want a SatNav for christmas ^^ :-d
traditional oldschool awesomeness
nothing too extreme or anything too wild for present neither, that is not the point of christmas for me atleast... ?
Get up
Sneak into the fridge and steal some turkey
Open presents
Play with presents
Dinner + family
Get drunk
Try play with presents when drunk
Pass out.

BCS wrote:
Get drunk
Try play with presents when drunk
Pass out.

ROFLLLLL =))))))))))))))
Erm wake up with sis, open stocking with eachother lol were so childish :P go downstairs with mum + dad open presents play with presents have some dinner wait for reletives. Sleep :D i want apple mac woop woop.
Lol I like the way you celebrate BCS!

For me it involves waking up, and if nobody else is awake it involves jumping on there beds to wake them up.
We then share and open prezzies by the christmas tree in the living room.
Then its typically off to the beach and have a bbq. Eat seafood. Swim/take the boat out...
Get back have a great family feast. Turkey is hard to get here so generally do roast chicken.

The next few days is when the real partying starts tho, it consists mainly catching up with mates, going out and basically partying like BCS does XD especially new years!!!!!
Yeah, every year the TV shows pictures of Aussies celebrating Christmas on the beach. It seems so odd for us, since it's most likely freezing outside on Christmas eve :D
I don't really believe in Christmas because of its origins but I'm just going away for holidays and work on my brand book and Photoshop at the same time :D
No-one, (here in Denmark at least) really celebrates Christmas to celebrate the birth of Christ. It's just more of a tradition. Speaking of the birth of Christ, I read an amazing article in History (a mag I read) today. It has many good points. I should either translate it, or see if I can find something about it on the Internets.
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