Anyone recognize this?

As the title says... anyone recognize the car in the icon here..?
that is chop
i think it is mitsubishi lancer evolution
from practise to perfection
Its a golf that gets raped on soo many websites and stuff :x
Forgot the name of the chopper.
You can get it as wallpaper on your mobile phone and themes etc xD

First hit for VW GOLF on devart xD
Post edited November 27, 2009 at 06:56:54 PM by Brian
its my friends chop - bobiman...but i think he didnt know about this :)
Post edited November 27, 2009 at 10:51:51 PM by durci_design
Bobiman's Golf, ah yeah. Durci_design, you should notify him about it ;)
wow sold as wallpaper too? theres a lawsuit bobiman can rape them on haha
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Dunno thought it wasnt commercial but just free to download made by users. But sure could be, its on shitloads of random sites.
well he cant do much about it if its on all sites and in themes
also, im not sure if he would be able to prove in court that it was his work, not sure how they deal with online aliases
If he can provide them with a PSD-file, that should surely be enough?
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