The best car rendering film BY FAR!

As the title says this is the future of rendering!

110 days it took to just render out this animated short let alone how long it would have taken to model it:

Without further or do. Enjoy!
Seen it already, its fooking sick eh :-d
That is immense!
Absolutely epic.
Looks so professional, although it´s one man´s work.
But why the hell did he write "silly" with one "l"? That spoils the perfection somehow.
Post edited November 25, 2009 at 12:50:50 AM by Closed 24-7
You know you wanna click it!
old yes, but still epic and only one person did it amazing fella, i saw his T rex one funny as hell xD

just wow, like how the fuck, im speechless =O
thats just insane
and that rendering time! xD
that`s really awesome!
speechless .. really deep deep respect , sometimes the realism gets so bizar it's almost real
I couln'dt stop smiling during it! 110 days! Thats just nuts! I loved this video! Instant fave!
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
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