Tut request :)

Do someone got a Bra tutorial??
i think that it could be useful for everybody.. :D
A bra.. didt know the car had boobs :P

could u be a bit more specific =D

LOL @ glac, he means the hood bra's you see on some euro cars that stop stones from cars in front scratching the bonnet etc. I don't know of any mate, google might bring up some results if you try that.
i think you should brush that part without adding reflections and highlights
from practise to perfection
Go to www.victoriassecret.com they have plenty of good bra example's. I'm sure you'll stuff on there very very inspirational :P
that is very inspirational =O
yes very, thanks for sharing mark :-d

anyway divide, what i would do is find a bonnet bra in the right angle here: http://images.google.co.uk/images?start=0&imgtbs=z&imgsz=l&q=bonnet+bra&btnG=Search+images&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-GB%3Aofficial&um=1&sa=2#start=0

then c+p on your chop, stretch it bigger to fit and rebrush it
Post edited November 12, 2009 at 09:06:30 PM by Zero
thanks everybody guys.. just seen your replies..
if i would need help i'll ask someone at the nicest people that answered here.. lol
lol thats autemo for ya :P
im really tempted to brush a hood bulge that are the shape of boobs and brush a bra round it :P
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