Some ppls chops on coolpics

just lettings ppl know that some chops on here

some ppl may not want that

or havnt given permission for it
I was going to put something witty in here but then i changed my mind.
Personally I wouldn't mind in this situation.
It's just a gallery, no stealing of parts etc.

I think people should be happy with this kind of gallery's, it gives more exposure.
Its not forbidden. As long as it's just sharing and not steeling. You still have the signatures on the works. Even the topic name says it all. It's about vehicular graphics. In my opinion there's nothing wrong. On fb, dA and other platforms you're also allowed and able to share pictures, and put them to your gallery. Absolutely no problem there. It would be an other situation if someone makes a header out of them without permission, use it for his personal site as a trademark, or or or...
That's okay since they're not selling them or taking credit. It would have been nice if they had put the names of the people who made those images though.
Thanks for posting that up Zammo
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