Not Enough RAM in Photoshop

working on my Dodge today, suddenly the OpenGL function stopped and I noticed something weird so I checked the RAM usage and it was like 80%. That time I was only running Google Chrome with like 4 tabs and no videos are running. Then I tried to save the file because I wanted to restart the PC and it popped out a massage saying "Could Not Complete the Save command because there is not enough memory (RAM)" .

After I get the massage, I cleaned my local disk C (only like 1 gigs of memory left in it when the error massage appeared). Now it got 5 gigs of free space. I also reduced the usage of RAM in photoshop and unticked the OpenGL option. I got 4gigs of RAM and now it still shows 60% of RAM usage. I tried to save the file again and it still won't work.

I copied all the donors onto another psd file and it still can't be saved. My psd file was only 50mb now and I've saved some 70mb file on my another 2 gb ram computer with no GPU and it works fine.

Anyone can help me to solve this problem? Because I don't wanna lose my psd file and also the progress because I've done a lot of work on it today. :(
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try changing some things in "Preferences > Performance"
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