Dear Autemo

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Hi all!

I know there are lots of new members here, so let me introduce myself first..
My name is Takin, and I have been using photoshop six years. And I must say, I am really impressed of what you guys keep coming with! When I started - your chops were concidered to be HOF material! So, just keep on working - you have a whole community to lean back to. To make things even better, there are lots of these guys working with virtual propositions for actual clients!

Secondly I want to share with my friends here that school is going great! I have gotten straight A's all over, and I'm off for the semester early in December. Which in other words mean - that I'll have a month to produce (shitty) chops again.

One thing I also noticed was the loss of a dear member on this forum. As I wrote in that thread, may he rest in peace and may god give his family strength to bear the sorrow. I must confess - I got really touched how this have been handled in the Autemo community. What Mark and the other guys in the staff have done is not to just build a community and a business specializing in designing cars - no, it goes far beyond that.
No, this is not longer a community, we are a family. And man - that allmost brought tears in my eyes. Despite sitting on each of our sides of the planet, in different countries, with different religions and whatsoever - we still support eachother!

As stated, I've been along for a long time! And I go way back with most of the guys on this forum. So, I just want to thank you Mark, the staff, and well - especially each and everyone of the members for creating this family.

- Takin
Beautiful words mate! :D You inpired me now... :mrteeth:
It`s nice to see you again. :) Welcome back!
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Stop being an ass Espen. Thanks for the post Takin!
Thanks for the kind words Takin, and welcome back! Glad to hear you schooling has been going well and that you've got holidays coming up soon. Now you've made me think of my holidays and made me to want them to come sooner lol
Hehe - but hey, I've got a little something you might like... Email me at takinphoto(at)gmail(dot)com if you want to know :)
As long as it's not nude pictures of yourself I'll be interested. :P send it to me you've got my email addy
Wise words Takin!

I've been using many internet foruns since 2005 and I can tell you I've met some of my best friend in them.

That is a little more difficult in Autemo, seeing as, like you said, it is such a widely spread community, but I think we should always respect ourselves and be nice to each other, because, lets face it, we are all here because we love cars and photoshop.
Post edited November 16, 2011 at 02:33:52 AM by Goncas
YAY!!!! Welcome back Takin!
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
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