Job Interview

Sigh have an interview tonight at Toys 'R' Us :/ really cant be bothered, its a group interview apparently you have to go get a toy from the shop (anytoy) and try and sell it to the group thats just gay... then you have to find out as much as you can about the person next to you and then tell the group about them. After all that you then have to get into a group of 5, and build somthing out of K 'nex or Lego then try and sell it to the shop managers, then after that you have one on one interviews. Then you have a brief overview of the company and positions throughout the shop... all this in 2 hours. Can't wait.

all i can say mate is:

a job's a job if it brings money in. There's a lot of people who can't even get interviews so count yourself lucky :D
Sounds very intresting mate - good luck!
I worked on a amusmentpark last summer. The process of interviews was much similar.
All i can say is be yourself, dont be afraid to show off!
yes, consider it as an opportunity, it might be sh't, but work is an work
I just cant wait to get it over with, some people say the job is awsome and fun. Others say its absolutly crap and hate it. Cant beat my last job for being boring and crap though i must admint!
Money is money. At first, I couldn't really imagine you working around kids. <_< xD But I'm sure you'll do fine if you try. Just try to keep the language clean there like you have been doing here lately ;)
haha yeh, that is a point though... i hate kids :P
Just meet up the attitude you have atm, surely you'll get it then. If it's so lame, you shouldn't be applying. As JD said, consider yourself lucky to even have the opportunity ;)
Im getting more and more nervous now the sooner it approaches :(

Ahh well i guess theres nothing to worry about. I either get the job or i dont
Got back now, it really good I enjoyed it. Really fun and interactive, and i appart from one lad was looking smart, I wore a shirt, nice pants and shiny shoes as for the rest of them they turned up in normal clothes. Sounded promising when we did a one to one at the end, he said he liked me because he could hear me above the rest of the people i sounded confident and he liked my sales pitch (had to sell WII Resort) said i sounded like an intellegant lad. He will get back to me in the next couple of days hopefully
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